Friday, December 12, 2008

Time Magazine's 10 Best of Everything

Time Magazine has recently published "top ten" lists of 2008 topics ranging from current events to pop culture. The author of a few of them happens to be a good friend from college and one of the most talented writers that I know. While a few personal lists intended for this blog wait in the wings of cyberspace, I thought I would post a link to a few of Rebecca Winters Keegan's lists.

Top Ten Awkward Moments:,30583,1855948_1864014_1864024,00.html
The link is to number 10, and I recommend that you hit the's link "Back" to progress from 10 to 1. I am happy to report that I was not involved in any of the top ten. I won't push my luck and ask the author about numbers eleven through twenty.

Top Ten Scandals:,30583,1855948_1863946_1863958,00.html

Top Ten Breakups:,30583,1855948_1863878_1864091,00.html

In addition, the following link leads to's page of its fifty "top ten" lists, which in turn include many other entertaining lists, though not written by my college friend.

I adore lists of lists in the same way that I enjoy chocolate-covered chocolate with a side of chocolate, wrapped in a chocolate container.

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