Thursday, January 15, 2009

I.C.E., I.C.E., Baby

Jennifer and I got new cell phones relatively recently, and I just added my I.C.E. ("in case of emergency") number on my new phone yesterday. It got me thinking. The two of us have discussed many times but never explicitly named the items that we would grab with thirty (30) seconds while running out of our house in case of an emergency.

1. Phoebe & Arthur
2. Backup hard drive (thousands of digital photographs, as well as music and documents)
3. Our Wedding Album
4. Box of Film Negatives (from 1994 to 2006)
5. Cell phone and keys

After composing my list, I asked my emergency contact for her list, and without any input from me. Here's what she wrote:

1. Kinnier -- I would not leave unless he were with me.
2. Phoebe & Arthur.
3. The box in which I keep all of the love letters Kinnier has written me.
4. The photo album with my baby pictures.
5. Wedding rings -- These are insured, but I would not want replacements.
I am not sure what I expected, with the exception of Phoebe and Arthur. Presuming that she would indeed exit the burning building without me if I were out of town, I was almost too touched to list her list. She chose sentimental items, as I did mostly. But in comparison, my list seems like one of a unromantic pragmatic. (Compare her number 5 to mine.) Nonetheless, preparing this list turned out to be a good exercise for me. My number 4 is nowhere ready for quick getaway, overflowing out of a box stashed somewhere underneath the guest room bed. I am now resolved to organize the negatives and put them in a suitable location and storage container fit for a man on the go. Also, I was unaware of the existence of her number 3 (how big is that box anyway?), which goes to show that you never know . . . .

And soon the room can't tell you were here,
And there's dust in my hair.
And dusty air has gone crazy for something late in the year,
And water everywhere.
And (S.O.S.) it's very emergency. S.O.S. It's very

-- The Promise Ring: "Emergency! Emergency!" from the album, Very Emergency

[Editor's Note: Jennifer takes off her rings to apply moisturizer at night and sometimes does not put them back on until morning.]